Religous Education
The Big Picture
At Wilberfoss it is our intent that Religious Education will develop a pupil’s sense of identity and belonging, so that they can live well and flourish in a multi-cultural and diverse society. Religious Education allows children to ask challenging questions about faith, belief, issues of right and wrong. Teaching equips pupils with knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews; enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identities; enrich their appreciation of others and challenge prejudice respect differing lifestyles, cultures and faiths. The RE classroom is a place that allows pupils to discuss and reflect on their belief and teaches them to be able to agree and disagree well.
Foundational RE is primarily taught through ’Knowledge and Understanding of the World’ (EYFS Progression document] the SACRE and Understanding Christianity. From year 1 long-term planning has been taken from the East Riding Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (SACRE) and shows progression across the school in all areas. We promote teaching in Religious Education that stresses enquiry, discuss and reflection. We have a firm belief that every child can achieve and that they are entitled to the same knowledge and cultural capital, whatever their background or starting point. As such, we adopt an approach where all of the teachers, have high expectations of all children and scaffolding those with lower starting points to be able to access and achieve these. By the end of year 6, we aim to teach children: the principal religions represented in Great Britain; to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour; develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues; and enhance their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
In EYFS, the learning is based upon development matters, the schools foundation stage curriculum documents, the East Riding SACRE and Understanding Christianity. This is taught through adult directed activities and provision areas/provocations. The key objectives for Years 1-6 are taken from the East Riding Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (SACRE) and Understanding Christianity. Understanding Christianity units are matched to year groups Christmas and Easter Overviews or Units for learning as appropriate.
The religions studied have been mapped out to ensure all main world faiths are taught across the school. There are also opportunities for visits to different places of worship and to talk to members of different religious communities.
Teachers ensure that pupils see the ‘purpose’ of each lesson and the content in relation to their lives. The units and individual lessons are planned to ensure deliberate and intentional retrieval of previous knowledge to build on previous learning. Positive relationships and the school ethos create the conditions conducive to effective learning and discussion in lessons.
The themes remain the same for each year, with skills being built from year to year. This is achieved through an inquiry-based approach to RE, with pupils being given regular opportunities to explore and discuss theological and philosophical questions at an age-appropriate level, and to promote knowledge, awareness and understanding of other faiths. Learning is recorded in a number of ways including discussion and Godly Play. The lenses of theology, philosophy and social science are used across the units.
We use formative assessment in all lessons as a powerful and continual form of assessment for learning as misconceptions can then be immediately addressed.
The children in EYFS are constantly assessed and misconceptions are addressed immediately or through 'Feeding Forward' where these can be addressed through provision enhancements or during adult directed activities. A GSA (gap and strength analysis) is also completed each half term to identify any areas which need to be addressed.
Through years 1-6, formative assessment is used in each lesson to gauge the children’s attainment against lesson objectives and children’s individual targets. At the end of every unit a planned assessment is used to ascertain children’s understanding of the whole unit. At the end of each year, teachers will have gathered a range of evidence based on what the children have covered, including evidence from whole class feedback sheets and class Big Books.
Teachers are encouraged to be creative in task design, and work can take the form of artwork, discussion, drama, song, extended writing, Godly play or a mixture of these.
The class teacher will assess each child’s attainment at the end of the session and enter this onto Insight. Teachers will monitor whether the child is on track to be the expected standard by the end of the year. The subject lead will have an overview of the data to track the progress and attainment of the different year groups allowing analysis of strengths and areas of development to take place.
The RE Leader and the Link Governor talk to the pupils as part of the regular monitoring. The purpose is to explore what they have learnt and what they can remember as well as how much they have enjoyed it. Key improvement actions can be identified as a result.