Collective Worship
As a Church school we see Collective worship as an integral part of the educational provision of the school and something that underpins all aspects of school life.
Pupils have both the need and a right to develop spiritually, morally and culturally as well as mentally, physically and socially. It is entitlement for all pupils (except for children of parents and carers who exercise the right of withdrawal).
Collective worship in all Church schools must be in accordance with the tenets and practices of the Church of England. Wilberfoss has a planned programme for Collective Acts of Worship based around values, all of which are explored from a Christian viewpoint, and sometimes from the perspective of another faith. Collective Acts of Worship can be whole-school, Key Stage or class based, and may be led by the head teacher, staff members, our school vicar Revd Aysha, or visitors including other members of the church community. Our 'Assembly Gang' pupils also plan, organise and lead class worship themselves, so that staff can take a more reflective part in the worship themselves!
Collective Worship Policy - here
We encourage our children to share with their family and friends what they have been learning about in Collective Worship, but also in a bit more detail the core Christian values.
Here are some homes/school values worksheets for you to complete at home - we would love to hear about what you have discussed at home.